
Our Guarantee

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Service and Repair Guarantee

We guarantee that you will be 100% satisfied with the service we have provided. We guarantee that our Plumbers will not smoke or swear in your home, will be drug-free, will wear shoe covers, and will leave your home clean.

Whole House Re-Piping Guarantee

We guarantee that your whole house re-piping project will be completed as promised. We guarantee our workmanship for period of several years depending on the level choosen. We guarantee that your pipes will not fail at any time during that said period. We guarantee that all materials used are specified and up to the code in your area. We also guarantee to protect the condition of your home.

Equipment and Fixture Guarantee

We guarantee that the equipment and/or fixtures we have installed in your home will perform as we have stated. We guarantee that any equiment or fixture will not fail during normal use in the first year.
We adhere to all laws, regulations and ordinances that pertain to the plumbing industry as prescribed by federal, state, municipal and county governments. We practice proper financial and accounting procedures in accordance with all laws governing business.